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    DSX Tuning is proud to make one of the most advanced dyno cells in the nation available for use. A custom engineered sound absorbent room from Noise Barriers LLC with a 44,000cfm fresh air ventilation system houses the most advanced Mainline Prohub dyno ever built. With 2000hp capacity available for front axles and a staggering 6000hp capacity available for rear axles, this dyno will securely hold anything you can bring. 

    The dyno utilizes Frenelsa retarders to provide load control and allow complete customization of how your vehicle is loaded as well as the duration of power pulls. No straps, no rollers, no tire wear, no BS.  Costs begin at $150 for 3 pulls depending on complexity of vehicle. Unsupervised hourly use is $200/hr with a 2-hour minimum ($150 1-time orientation required). Supervised hourly use is $300/hr with a 2-hour minimum.

    Contact us to learn more about our 
    GM Dyno Tuning Services.

    Find out more about our GM Dyno Tuning.